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The term "occurrences of numbers" refers to how frequently individual numbers appear as winning numbers in the lottery draws.

For example, if a lottery involves selecting 6 numbers from a pool of, say, 1 to 49, the occurrences of each number would refer to how many times each number has been drawn as a winning number in past lottery draws.


In Standard & Keno Games

If you want to see how numbers were drawn, select from menu Numbers >   Occurrences of Numbers
Analysis screen shows as many diagrams as there are numbers in the game, for example in a game 6/49 then 49 diagrams are shown


In Pick Games

Menu is  divided. If you want to see how numbers were drawn in particular pick, select from menu Numbers >   Occurrences of numbers > Pick 1 or Pick 2 etc.
Analysis screen will show 10 diagrams, as each pick has 10 numbers, from 0 to 9.
Here is an example diagram that will show occurrences of number 0 of pick 1







If number was NOT drawn then diagram will show a point in row 0

If number was drawn then diagram will show a point in row +


In this analysis method the Number Type Switch is enabled.

Hlavní typy čísel jsou:
Kontaktní, Vnější , Horké, Studené , Liché, Sudé , Připojené, Nepřipojené, Odpojené .

Vizuální analyzátor analyzuje čísla ve všech jejich možných vzájemných kombinacích.
Jen připomínáme, že každý speciální typ čísla lze vykreslit jako samostatný typ čísla nebo jako v kombinaci s jinými typy.


In our example the primary type of number is off. All Types means the numbers are analyzed as is,

but you can use Number Type Switch to see analysis of concurrences of single numbers as if they were drawn as Contact, Outside etc numbers .

Please see also Analysis Screen topic for more info on how to interpret diagrams.