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Visual Lottery Analyser version 5.1 release updates:
Support for Windows 32 bit added.
Couple of bug fixes discovered since the initial release.

May 12 2024

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest software version,
Visual Lottery Analyser Version 5.0!
To download the latest version, please visit https://www.sprintbit.com/Downloads.html 
We encourage you to explore the new features and functionalities and share your thoughts with us.

Please note that the old version 4.3 is not supported, installing new version is not affecting you current license.

What's new in Visual Lottery Analyser Version 5

This new version of Visual Lottery Analyser includes a wide range of major improvements and new features.

The user interface is more modern and attractive and works even better than before on modern, high-resolution Windows displays.
A new interface is a significant milestone that greatly impacts user experience and overall usability. It has been redesigned and created with mind to ensure a smooth user experience and easy to use.
Many new skins are included, and they come with many color variations, you will see a variety of appearances and a comprehensive skins library.

A help system is directly built-in into a software, every software feature now has Show Help button, when you check this button on, then you can read the manual about various software features and its elements. The system is interactive, The system is interactive, you can read the help file about each program element by just clicking on some interface element.
Manual is available in 24 languages, but please be aware this is still automatic translation, yet it will help a lot for not English-speaking users.

Many of similar software features are combined now into one feature which is easier to use and has all tools in one place:

Create Tickets, Advanced Generator and Manage Tickets features are now combined into one "Tickets Generator" feature.
Create My System, Systems Editor and Winning Numbers Checker features are now combined into one "Wheel Systems" feature.
Prediction and Numbers Report are now combined into one "Numbers Report" feature.
My Games and Update Online are now combined into one "My Games" feature.
Add Numbers, Lottery Numbers Manager and Search Numbers are now combined into one "Lottery Numbers" feature.

All features now have the same design layout, at the top of every window is a toolbar, on right side is navigation pane with tools, and in the center of feature is its main control. Workspaces feature is now available on every window, using this feature you can capture the window layout and its opened tools positions, you can capture many different layouts, later you can use any of them at any moment or restore when window is opened.

My Games
My Games is now a one stop place where you can manage your games, view game's numbers status and directly update the game numbers.
Game card is redesigned and shows important game status information only, the game properties can be edited now in the separate main Game Properties tool.
Prizes Editor updated with new selecting features which let you specify which pick wager and prizes level you can use when using filters.

World Games
The world games database has been updated and has all the new games included.
The interface now shows games in the form of Game card, you can view games grouped by countries and states.
Also, you can update the lottery numbers too.

Tickets Generator
Filters system has been improved and now has a better and clearer interface.
Filters can be evaluated against the real lottery drawings to see how they perform: therefore, you can set them up in better way than before.

Lottery Numbers
Visual Lottery Analyser is more user friendly than ever now, so, with the new options you will not have to update the numbers manually now ever. The software will take care of it and numbers will be automatically updated whether you are adding or opening a game.
However, you can still use this feature to manage your numbers manually.

Software can be programmed to perform all tasks automatically, from updating the lottery numbers to analyzing a game and giving you tickets with just one click.
New analyzing methods are implemented into Visual Analyser.
New visual analyzing concept is introduced: Numbers Grid, along with that, three new types of lottery numbers are also introduced.
Previously you have known about: Contact, Outside, Hot, Cold, Even and Odd types of numbers.
Now the three new types are added: Connected, Unconnected and Disconnected type of numbers

Visual Analyser
New types of numbers as described above and new Numbers Grid analyzing concept added to the diagrams.
New lines to analyze: Slant Lines Right and Slant Lines Left are added.
New feature My Choice is added to visual analyzer. This feature will allow you to create a ranking of numbers based on your own observations of individual analyses and then create tickets out the highest ranked numbers.
The diagrams adjust their height automatically to show only the necessary county of rows.
Visual Analyser can show now two identical screens, one for main game numbers and additional for game bonus numbers if necessary
You can analyze main and bonus game numbers simultaneously.

Wheel Systems
A database of wheel systems has been expanded and now contains over 3100 systems, this is the most comprehensive library of wheel systems on the market.
Full systems and keyed systems generator are now included.
Wheel Systems are divided now into 2 groups: Software Systems and My Systems, you can create your own system based on our systems template.

Lottery Notepad
In this version you can open multiple notepad documents within its main instead of multiple separate windows in the software main window
Notepad notes has been updated with new HTML editor which lets you create better notes with text, links and images

New feature, a spreadsheet editor that emulates Microsoft® Excel® capabilities and allows you to create, load, edit, save, and print spreadsheet documents. You can use it for your own purposes, the spreadsheet is not connected with any of program features.

Financial Statistics
This feature is improved and have a new type of grid which works seamlessly with charts to show more information.

Technical Improvements
In previous versions software used Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition engine to store its data.
The database had some limitations was designed for local use, had a size limit and did not support remote connections over a network.
Microsoft has officially deprecated SQL Compact, and it is no longer actively developed or receiving updates.
This means that the use of Microsoft SQL Server Compact also has ended here.

Now the software can use 4 database types:
SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, MySql or PostgreSQL
The default software engine is SQLite, but if you know more about databases, you can use a new feature Database Management, using this feature you can do everything you want with the databases, you can transfer data from one database type to another, backup, restore etc.
When using databases like Microsoft SQL or MySql you can connect to software data over the network.

Now, the software can manage a huge amount of data, for example full Wheel Systems can be generated and stored in user database without any limitations.
Software has been built on the latest Microsoft .NET 8.0 technology.